Archive for ache

Relieving Winter Aches and Pains

If you are struggling to get out of bed in the morning because of winter aches and pains then you’re not alone. Many of us suffer from body aches when the temperature drops and the older you get, the worse it seems to be. The good news is there are things you can do to help get your body through winter pain free.

Why does my body hurt more in winter?

In colder weather we tend to exercise less, eat more and our muscles naturally tense up to keep our bodies warm. It is the combination of these factors that exacerbates any injuries or stresses that the body may have. Therefore, it’s just as important during winter to maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes moderate exercise, healthy eating and consciously relaxing muscles to avoid tension on the body.

Here are some key tips to help you out.

Tips to relieve winter aches and pains

• Wear warm clothing and dress in layers. A few thin layers of clothes can keep you warmer than a single thick layer.
• Keep your lower back warm. Tuck your shirt into your pants to make sure your back doesn’t get a cold draft.
• At night, a couple of blankets or an electric blanket on your bed can help keep your muscles from tightening.
• Keep your home as warm as you can.
• Run your car for a few minutes to preheat it before you drive.
• Your winter footwear should have treads to help prevent slips and falls.
• Make sure you are wearing shoes that keep your feet warm. If you keep your feet, hands and head warm it enables your body to retain heat much better.
• Do some light daily stretching in a warm room to relieve muscle tension. You can even stretch while watching television to keep your body warm and active.
• Make sure you sleep on your back or side and never on your stomach to avoid neck pain.
• Winter is the time when you want to stay on the couch, but keeping in shape is the best way to help your body. Try not to gain weight during the colder months and try to keep up with your exercise program.

If you are in any pain or need any personalised advice Lane Chiropractic Pottsville can help.

And remember, the warmer weather is only a few short months away!

Seven Reasons to Exercise When it’s Cold

The cooler weather is here and even though many of us would love to hibernate, it’s really important to keep up physical activity when the temperature drops. Here are the top 7 reasons why we need to keep exercising during the cooler months.


There’s a reason it’s called the sunshine vitamin. While there are a limited number of foods that can provide your body with vitamin D, the easiest source is from exposure of bare skin to sunlight.

During summer a short exposure of 10-15 minutes is plenty, but in winter, sunshine can be harder to come by, especially if you are snuggled up indoors. So that’s why it’s important to get outside, get moving and smile at the sun!

Sunshine makes strong bones, and keeps your immune system strong. It can also boost positivity and help prevent high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer.


Save electricity and an expanding waistline by heating your body up naturally with a workout. The rise in your body temperature during a workout has a soothing, calming effect on your body, not unlike a long soak in a warm bath or lying in front of the heater.

Yes, it’s cold when you first step outside but if you layer up (daggy doesn’t matter) and get moving you will be hot within no time at all.


Research has shown that regular exercise strengthens your immune system so it can fight off bacterial and viral infections. This becomes particularly important in winter when colds and flu rear their ugly heads.

When you exercise and get your blood pumping, immune cells circulate through your body more quickly helping them seek and destroy infections. But this boost only lasts for a few hours, so exercise needs to be regular for long-term effects.


A daily workout releases feel-good, de-stress brain chemicals, gives you a break from the daily grind and helps ease depression. If you combine exercise with the great outdoors you can cheer yourself up even more.

We know that after exercise the brain releases the “feel-good” chemicals serotonin and dopamine, which can help to reduce anxiety and depression while boosting wellbeing.


Being cooped up with nothing but heaters to keep the air moving means fresh air is much harder to come by in winter. Generally, the air outside is healthier than air inside so going for a walk or run outside gives your lungs a chance to detox and breathe deeply without concern for breathing in other people’s bugs at home or from the office.


In the colder months it is so easy to turn to comfort food because it’s so satisfying and it makes us feel good. It’s so easy to become a hibernating bear! No wonder it’s known as the ‘winter weight gain’ period. The average person puts on up to 4 kg! The only way to make up for those added treats is to increase the amount of exercise you’re doing. Try and balance your energy in and energy out then the shredding of clothes in spring won’t be such a shock.


When we exercise we mobilise our spine and help reduce restrictions that can cause headaches, backaches, neck pain and other aches and pains. Having greater spinal mobility is important to a healthy and happy life.

For more advice contact Lane Chiropractic Pottsville on 6676 2270