Every week I see people with back and neck pain purely because they don’t have the right home office set up and are sitting still in one position for way too long.
When we are at a workplace, rather than home, we often tend to move around more to talk to colleagues, grab a cup of coffee, buy lunch, go to the printer etc. This activity tends to cease when working from home, and we can often forget to take those computer breaks that are critical to helping our minds and bodies reset.
To save you back, neck and joint pain – and reduce visits to your chiropractor, check out these simple tips on the attached Sunrise video for your home office set up.
Whether working remotely or in the office, studying or playing sport, it’s important to take care of your back. It’s easy for us to take our backs for granted, until we develop back pain and other related problems.
To help keep your back in shape, the Australian Chiropractors Association has developed the Straighten Up as an ongoing community service initiative to improve your health and the way your body functions.
Consisting of a set of simple exercises and taking just three minutes to complete, Straighten Up will help improve posture, stabilise core muscle groups, and enhance health.
The exercises can be undertaken by Australians of all ages with a special program tailored for children., which helps them develop good habits for life.
The exercises can be completed at any time of day but are most beneficial when they form part of a daily routine. It’s hoped that over time all Australians will take a few minutes every day to care for their spinal health, just as they do for their dental health.
Studies conducted overseas indicate that 90% of people who adopted the exercises as part of their daily routine reported a postural improvement. Approximately 80% reported that their backs were more comfortable and that they had better core stability after practicing the activities for several weeks.
Straighten Up app
While your chiropractor can’t be there 24/7 correcting your posture, the Straighen Up App can! Designed to act as ‘Your Pocket Chiropractor’, this app aims to address the growing posture issues and back pain problems faced by Australians.
Features of the App:
Reminders: Set reminders to receive notifications about sitting right, stretching, taking breaks, drinking water and improving your posture.
Exercises: A 3-minute spinal health program designed to improve spinal health, stablise core muscle groups and enhance health.
Augmented Reality: Showing both good and poor posture in different settings. The augmented reality feature works in conjunction with Straighten Up postcards.
Locate A Chiropractor: The app shows a list of local ACA chiropractors on a map and also as a list.
Download the free Straighten Up app today through either Google Play or the App Store.
CALL US: 02 6676 2270
Located at 10 Toormina Crt. Pottsville 2489
We have an wholistic and personalised approach to your treatment. As part of this approach we have a good network of local medical doctors, podiatrists, acupuncturists and other health specialists to best meet your needs when necessary.
Member of the Chiropractors Association of Australia http://www.chiropractors.asn.au